صوت واحد يعكس معاناة النازحين والمهجرين

المشاركة في اللقاءات والمؤتمرات وتنظيم الاتصالات والاجتماعات مع صناع القرار لمناصرة القضايا التي تمس حياة المدنيين السوريين

العمل محلياً ودولياً على دعم جهود الاستجابة والتصدي لأبرز التحديات التي تعترضها

بناء القدرات
مشاركة الدروس المستفادة وأفضل الممارسات عبر ورشات العمل

ممارسة دور إعلامي فعال في إيصال صوت السوريين والتوعية بحقوقهم

23 of the Most Established Syrian NGOs
Leading Efforts to Coordinate and Empower
يتكون تحالف المنظمات السورية غير الحكومية من ٢٣ مؤسسة تعمل على تلبية الاحتياجات الإنسانية بما يتناسب مع المعايير والبروتوكولات الدولية. يوفر التحالف مظلة لهذه المنظمات غير الحكومية للتنسيق والمناصرة حول رسائل مشتركة لكي تكون أصوات المدنيين المتضررين مسموعة. يؤدي التحالف دورا فعالا في كيفية إيصال المساعدات في سوريا.

Advocate, Coordinate, Collaborate
An alliance of Syrian humanitarian organizations that advocate and coordinate effectively and collaboratively multi-level responses to Syrian humanitarian affairs, with the aim of helping Syrians to preserve their dignity and rights.
To Be the Voice of the Voiceless
An alliance rooted in the community to lead the impact in building the Syria we dream.
Collaboration, Participation, Equality
The principles of Human Rights as stipulated in international humanitarian conventions. The SNA is also committed, in all of its projects and activities, to the values of trust, collaboration, effectiveness, participation and equality.

Why Volunteer with SNA
We, at the SNA, have a noble humanitarian mission and great ambitions that could only be achieved with the help of our volunteers and supporters.
We help organizations coordinate and cooperate
Each of the member organizations of the SNA does a great job in their field; however, through adequately coordinating their efforts and resources they can achieve great results. Join us to help the alliance reach its vision of building a civil society whose members work efficiently and harmoniously.
Our expertise stems from our partners’ long experience in humanitarian work
Members of the SNA have had a long experience in humanitarian work both locally and internationally. By joining the alliance, you can benefit from these experiences and apply lessons learned to serve a higher humanitarian cause.
Our roots are Syrian, but our aspirations are global
We respond to the needs of our country, understand the context of the crisis, and work to achieve the best possible results to improve the humanitarian situation there. Be among the voices that will contribute to conveying the voice of Syrian refugees and displaced people to all international fora.
Our Members Believe in Our Mission
We build on the Data and Feedback from our SNA Members to Expand our Reach and Maximize our Effect
“We’re curious, passionate, and committed to helping nonprofits learn and grow. Oh, and some of us are stage actors and worm farmers on the side.”

Ann Peterson
VOLUNTEER“Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend. Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere.”

Tony Olson
VOLUNTEER“Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. Risus ultric tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor egestas congue auctor. Massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in.”

Jane Bryan
VOLUNTEER“At auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla eleifend.”